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  1. Go to the download section and download the version compatible with your installed version of Wwise.

  2. Open the Audiokinetic Launcher and go to the Plug-ins tab. In the INSTALL NEW PLUG-INS section, open the pull-down menu next to Add from directory and choose Add from archive.

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  1. Locate your downloaded archive and select it. The Launcher will then proceed to extract the plug-in.

🎉 You are now ready to use your plug-in within Wwise!

Optional: If you have already integrated Wwise into Unity or Unreal projects prior to installing the atmoky Ears plug-in, you will need to modify the integration so that the plug-in is included in your project. To do so, select the Unity or Unreal tab, locate your project and click on Modify Wwise in project. In the window that opens, click on Modify to install the required libraries in your Unity or Unreal project.

For instructions on how to set up the plug-in please proceed to Using atmoky Ears or watch this short introduction video video on Youtube.

Verify integration

After successfull installation and updated integration, you should be able to find the atmoky Ears binaries in your Unity or Unreal project’s folder.

For Unity projects, the binaries are located in the [Project/]Assets/Wwise/API/Runtime/Plugins/[Platform]/DSP/ folder.

For Unreal projects, the binaries are located in the [Project]/Plugins/Wwise/ThirdParty/[Platform]/Release/[bin/lib] folder.

Depending on the platform the filename [lib]atmokyEars.[dll/so/dylib] will be present.


atmoky Ears can be tested without a license within the Wwise Authoring software. In order to export soundbanks including the atmoky Ears plug-in, a valid license is required. Please get in touch with us to obtain a license.

Last updated on

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