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The Externalizer is a Submix Effect which adds a sense of space to the incoming audio signal that makes the sound sources appear to be outside the listener’s head. This can be useful if you are working with dry sounds without much reverb or room information.

The plug-in expects binaural signals as input. You can bypass the Externalizer by setting the Amount parameter to 0.


To use the Externalizer plug-in, follow these steps:

Create a Submix Effect Preset

In the Content Browser, right-click and select AudioEffectsSubmix Effect Preset and pick AtmokyTrueSpatialExternalizerPreset from the list.

Add the Externalizer to a Submix

Open a Submix editor by double-clicking on a Submix asset in the Content Browser. Alternatively, you can open the Master Submix by double-clicking the Icon in the Project Settings → Engine → Audio → Master Submix.

Add the Externalizer Submix Effect Preset you create to the Submix Effect Chain.

Externalizer Submix

You can also add the Externalizer using a Blueprint as shown here:

Externalizer Submix

This adds the Externalizer to the Master Submix.


The Externalizer plug-in has two parameters:

  • Amount: the amount of externalization applied to the input. It is a value between 0 and 100, where 0 means no externalization and 100 means full externalization. With set to 0, the Externalizer will be completely bypassed.
  • Character: you can shape the character of the externalizer using the Character control, giving it more of an airy quality by dialing it up, or creating a more warmer feeling by bringing it down.
Last updated on

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