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The Spatializer node renders an incoming stereo signal to binaural or stereo.

Note, that although the Spatializer node receives the source-listener distance via the Spatialization Data object, it does not apply any distance-based attenuation. This can be realized either using the Meta Sound Source’s Attenuation Settings or a custom distance-driven gain using MetaSound nodes. The Spatializer uses distance information only for applying near-field effects and parallax effects.

Also note, that the Spatializer will output silence if only one of the two inputs are connected.


Audio Inputs

Left and right channels with the stereo audio to be spatialized. In case you have a mono signal, you can duplicate it to both channels.

Spatialization Data

The spatialization data object provides the spatialization information for the audio. You can use the Spatialization Data object to configure the spatialization.

Stereo Width

The stereo width of the rendered audio. The value ranges from 0% to 100%.

This setting currently only affects the binaural output format.


Value driving the occlusion processor simulating a sound source being occluded by an obstacle. The value ranges from 0% to 100%, where 0% means no occlusion and 100% means full occlusion.


The directivity object provides the directivity information for the audio source, controlling how the sound is radiated into space. You can use the Directivity object to configure the directivity.

Near-field Effects Settings

The near-field effects settings object provides settings for the near-field effects. These effects simulate the sound source being close to the listener by appling frequency-dependent gains and increasing the interaural level differences.

Output Format

The output format of the rendered audio. The available options are:

  • Binaural (HRTF-based binaural rendering for headphone playback)
  • Stereo (Stereo rendering for speaker playback)

You can also use the stereo output for headphone playback if you prefer stereo rendering.


Audio Outputs

Left and right channels with the rendered audio.

Last updated on

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