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Renderer UI


The atmoky Renderer is meant to handle all workflows not using Audio Objects. As such, it can handle any channel based input format supported by Wwise and output any other channel based format. Note that the atmoky Renderer does not work with busses configured for Audio Objects.


Output Format

Via the output format dropdown, the plugin can be set to output any of the output formats supported by Wwise. Additionally, the output format can be set to “Same as parent” or “Same as main mix”. This instructs the plugin to match its output format to that of the parent bus or the main mix, respectively. In either case, there is an option to prefer either binaural or stereo output in case the output format has two channels.

Externalizer Amount and Character

The Externalizer module can be used to add a sense of space to the rendered signal. This can help to bring sounds out of the head of the listener, especially for dry sounds.

The Amount parameter controls the intensity of the effect. With the Character you can make the effect more airy by dialing it up, or more warmer by dialing it down.

When the Amount is set to 0, the Externalizer is bypassed.

The externalizer effect is only applied to the binaural output format.

Last updated on

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