
The AmbisonicRenderer renders first-order Ambisonics (FOA) soundfields to binaural audio. The plug-in expects a 4-channel input layout (Quad) with the Ambisonics signal in ambix format (ACN channel order, SN3D normalization). It will then output a stereo signal holding the binaural rendering of the soundfield.
When enabled, the sound source will be locked to the listener's head, meaning that the soundfield's rendering will be independent of the listener's rotation, only on the source's position and rotation.
Distance Attenuation
The Distance Attenuation section has three parameters, Type
, Min Distance
Max Distance
lets you choose the relationship between distance and output attenuation.
Choices are inverse square law, linear, logarithmic and tapered logarithmic
relationships. Additionally, distance attenuation can be turned off alltogether.
To understand how the various distance models work, have a look at the FMOD
Min Distance
lets you choose at which distance from the source the attenuation model
starts to kick in.
Max Distance
is the distance at which the maximum attenuation (-80dB) is reached.