atmoky trueSpatial for Unity v1.3.0 has been released! Check out the Changelog to learn more.


atmoky trueSpatial is a set of audio plug-ins for Unity enabling spatial audio processing and binaural rendering.

Due to its high performance implementation, you can use it to process and render a large number of audio sources, including Ambisonic sources, with built-in support for source directivity and source occlusion.

The package provides four native audio plug-ins:

  • atmokySpatializer plug-in to spatialize audio sources
  • atmokyRenderer rendering plug-in which outputs binaural signals from the spatializer plug-ins
  • atmokyAmbisonicDecoder plug-in to process Ambisonic sources (see
    Unity Ambisonic Audio
    (opens in a new tab)
  • atmokyReceiver plug-in to receive unprocessed audio signals from an audio source

It also provides utility scripts for controlling rendering parameters within the Unity Editor.

Supported Unity Versions

Unity 2022.3 LTS and newer

Every new version of atmoky trueSpatial is tested with Unity 2022.3 LTS and newer versions. However, despite lacking some Editor UI features, the package is known to work with Unity 2021.3 LTS and newer versions as well.

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