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The atmokyRenderer is a plug-in intended for complex projects that need to spatialize many sources simultaneously. To learn more about how bulk rendering works in trueSpatial and how it changes the signal flow, have a look at the Bulk Rendering chapter of the docs.

Setting up trueSpatial for Bulk Rendering

Bulk rendering makes the project workflow more complex, so make sure to only use it if your project actually requires it. For small to medium numbers of sources, bulk rendering can slightly worsen performance.

Select the atmoky Spatializer Plugin

If you haven’t done so already during installation, go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Audio and select atmokySpatializer under Spatializer Plugin. This will make sure that the spatializer plug-in is used for all audio sources that have the Spatialize tick box set.

Create a Mixer

The atmokySpatializer plug-in in bulk rendering mode does not output any signals per se, but sends its audio output to a particular atmokyRenderer instance, which has to be inserted into a Mixer Group.

You can create a Mixer via Assets -> Create -> Audio Mixer and optionally Mixer Groups for sub-mixing.

Add an atmoky Renderer Plugin

Add an atmokyRenderer plug-in to each sub-mix you want to render separately by right clicking the bus and choosing Add effect at top -> atmokyRenderer.

When clicking on the Mixer Group, you can now see the atmokyRenderer plug-in in the Inspector exhibiting the parameters Renderer Index and Input Passthrough.

For each atmokyRenderer instance, you have to assign a unique non-zero Renderer Index such that a atmokySpatializer plug-in can send its audio output to the correct atmokyRenderer instance.

The renderer index is 0 per default (such that the renderer plug-in is muted). To unmute an instance, you have to assign a unique non-zero renderer index. Note that if two renderer instances use the same index, both will be muted. By clicking “Next available renderer” the next unused index will be assigned.

Spatialize an Audio Source

  • Add one or several AudioSource(s) to your scene
  • Set the Spatialize tick box of the AudioSource
  • Set the Spatial Blend to 1, meaning 3D rendering
  • Route the Output of the AudioSource to a bus equipped with the atmokyRenderer plug-in
  • Select the corresponding Output Mode: You can do that via the Inspector by using the atmokySource.cs script (Add Component -> Atmoky Source, then Output Mode -> Send to Renderer and choose a renderer index), or you do it programmatically by changing the public rendererIndex property exposed by atmokySource.cs.

Per default, the atmokySpatializer is set to binaural output mode and will not send to any renderer instance. Instead to use bulk rendering, you need to disable binaural output mode and choose a renderer index. To do so, select Output Mode -> Send to Renderer and select a renderer index.

Last updated on

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