atmoky trueSpatial for Unity v1.4.0 has been released! Check out the Changelog to learn more.


The atmokyReceiver plug-in allows you to send unprocessed audio signals from multiple audio sources to specific mixer groups, enabling additional effects to be applied in parallel.

This can be useful if you want e.g. to send source signals to a common reverb bus before spatialization to create a distance-dependent direct-to-reverberant mix. This is show-cased in the Source Directivity sample scene.

There are two ways to control the send-level: either using the Send Level property of the atmoky source script, or the reverb zone mix setting in the AudioSource setting. The latter allows for a custom distant-dependent send-level using the distance-graph in the AudioSource's 3D Sound Settings.

How to Use the atmokyReceiver Plug-in

Add the plug-in to a Mixer Group

  • Navigate to Add Effect -> atmoky -> atmokyReceiver.
  • Insert the plug-in at the beginning of the mixer group to ensure it receives input signals directly from the audio sources.

Assign a Receiver Index

  • Select the mixer group
  • In the inspector, assign a unique Receiver Index or click Next available Receiver to automatically assign one. This index identifies the audio source sending its signal to the receiver.

Configure the Audio Source

  • Add an Atmoky Source script to the audio source intended to send its signal to the receiver (if have not already done so).
  • In the Send Configuration section, select the receiver index assigned to the atmokyReceiver plug-in.

Set the Send Level Source

  • Choose a Send Level Source:
    • Parameter: The send level is controlled by the Send Level parameter.
    • Reverb Zone Mix: The send level is controlled by the Reverb Zone Mix.

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