atmoky trueSpatial for Unity v1.3.0 has been released! Check out the Changelog to learn more.


Perform the following steps to add the atmoky trueSpatial package to a Unity project:

Download the plug-ins

Download the latest release from Downloads.

Install the package

In your Unity project open the Package Manager (Window -> Package Manager).

Click the upper left + button and select Add package from tarball... and select the downloaded com.atmoky.spatialaudio-x.x.x.tgz package file.

In case you (or your system) have already uncompressed the package, you might need to rename the file-extension from *.tar to *.tgz. If it's already been unpacked, you can use Add package from disk... instead and select the package.json file.

Verify the installation

To verify that the package was installed correctly, open the Edit -> Project Settings -> Audio and check that the atmokySpatializer is listed in the Spatializer Plugin dropdown menu.

See Spatializing Sound Sources to learn how to use the atmokySpatializer and atmokyRenderer plugins to spatialize audio sources.

Quick Start Video

Further Reading

Here are some topics you might want to check out next:

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